What. A. Week.
What happened you ask?
- My 3 year old was sick with a temp for 3 days – which meant hubs and I we’re running off 3 hours broken sleep a night.
- I started recording a podcast for our marketing agency!
- We had some significant and expensive business decisions to make.
- I had a hospital appointment for said 3 year old, a follow up for his arm that he broke in the height of summer 2 months ago. A 4 hour round trip – on my ‘work day’
- We fell further behind on the house build (Hubby and I are owner-building. More on that in a different post)
- There was an inspection on our house, meaning it had to be clean 😐 (We’re renting while we build.)
- My mum, who lives alone and was supposed to be moving out of her house this weekend broke her foot.
- I forgot to call a good friend for her birthday. Sad sigh.
BUT I also:
- Bathed, fed and kept the kiddies alive.
- Got most urgent work stuff done.
- Saw a good old friend, and helped another through a crisis (as you do)
- Went to the gym 4 times.
- Spent a little quality time with my hubby.
- Got clarity on a few work strategies that have been bugging me.
- Started a FREAKING PODCAST. From the girl who used to physically shake and stammer when getting in front of the school class for 30 seconds, this was a big deal for me. Note: must stop and celebrate this one properly.
Did I get all my client work done? No.
Do I have a mountain of washing still to get to, even though it’s Monday morning. Yes.
Did I forget to call a few potential clients to touch base and hopefully sign them up? Yep.
Did we do our date night? No.
Did lots of other little things slide off the calendar and get pushed aside. Yes.
Did I eat my weight in honey sourdough toast and buttery hot cross buns? Ummm, yes.
Did the wheels fall off? Kinda, yeah.
Can we make it back? You betcha.
This week has some major client recon and also a strategy session to ‘life proof’ our client schedule a little more. We’ll need to build some more space in there for contingencies. Not entirely sure what that will look like currently. I could probably start with not blogging on a Monday morning and getting straight into it. Buuut that would be working against the morning routine wouldn’t it. Then the wheels might really fall off.
So here’s how I’m planning to put the wheel back on this week…
1. Don’t freak out or lose momentum.
2. Write the long list.
3. Time block. Manage distractions.
4. Do extraordinary work, above and beyond expectations.
5. Stick to schedule as much as possible. Including going to the massage I’ve got booked in – oh yeh!
6. Realise that not everything is going to get done, and that’s ok
7. Remember that being mumma is still the most important thing and be present
8. Schedule that celebration 😉
Here’s to you this week mumma as you push forward despite the mess. You are doing amazingly. When it feels like you’re failing (and it will feel like that sometimes), look back and see just how you’ve come.
Much love.
A xo