The Number One Thing That Allows Me to Grow My Business – Ep: 215

In business, Mumstyle CEO, podcast, Quick Marketing Tips, Strategy and Tips by Team Annelise

Now we’ve There’s a lot of talk about Strategy online. 

There’s a lot of talk about Systems. 

But there is not a lot of talk about how to actually HAVE it all, without DOING it all. 

This is that conversation. 

The 5 types of support I want to talk about today are.

1 – Support at home

2 – Support from behind

3 – Support from beside you

4 – Support from in front of you

5 – Support from within

And I’m going to wind back the clock a little because Support has looked different in every phase of my business and life. And by talking through each stage, I hope you can see yourself in some of these and how you can lean on support no matter where you are on your journey. 

When I started my business I was pregnant with my 3rd child. My husband was working 4 or 5 days a week as a carpenter and I did not have a lot of support. My husband is amazing and would of course do grocery runs and help with the kids when he was home – but I was the one who did the majority of the household to dos, and was the driver behind everything that happened in the business. 

The first Support I enlisted was my husbands. 

This is the Support at Home piece.

I knew that I couldn’t do it all myself, and he had to be on board if I was going to make any moves. Sometimes this looked like taking the kids out of the house. It looked like him taking over the kitchen cleaning duties (which he still does) and it looked like him allowing us to spend our very meagre budget on things that were going to build the business. 

Now what this looks like is having a cleaner. We also have had an au pair at one time because this is what supported me most. 

I have clients who get meals delivered or meals made at home in their kitchen. I have clients who hire someone to come over every night after dinner and do 2 hours of clean up so they get quality time with their partner. I have clients that have full time personal assistants. 

There’s no right or wrong way to do this. It’s a matter of asking yourself – what your time is worth, what’s in the budget and what is important to you. And when you think outside the square – anything is possible. We live in such a wonderful time – where we have access to options. And you get to choose what your goals are around this and work towards them. For me – a part time house keeper who cooks would be the ultimate and you bet I’m working towards that. 

OK Number 2. Support from behind you. 

And here I’m referring to your staff. And I say Behind because you are leading. It’s not a top down thing – they’re not underneath you – they’re behind you, following your lead. 

Now there is very much a right and wrong way to do this.

As my business grew, as soon as I had one client actually, I hired virtual assistants – which was the complete wrong move  for me at the time given what I know know – but I did get support in the business relatively early  knowing that I couldn’t keep doing everything with 3 children 5 and under in my care most of the time, and a business to run.

I did this phase wrong because I didn’t have systems in place. I hadn’t done what I wanted my VA to do, so I couldn’t show them what good looked like. It was a complete waste of money. 

The quality they delivered was horrible because the instructions and leadership were horrible. I didn’t know that then but growth and radical responsibility are wonderful things.

The key here is to understand that people bring profit, when done right. So to strategically plan out the role you want to operate in in your business, and the roles you’;re going to need around you to make that happen. 

Then you create solid, repeatable, processes and systems that whoever you hire can follow. 

Start with the org chart. Next the systems. Then the hiring. 

3. Support from beside you. 

This is your peers, and it’s so important. 

There wasn’t a lot of mentors to choose from back in 2017. The course I chose had no actual face to face time but did show us what was possible

Tune in to hear support 4 and 5.


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