Raise Your Rates, and Close With Confidence (for Freelancers and Agency Owners)

In business, Mumstyle CEO, podcast, Strategy and Tips by Team Annelise

Overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid. 

I know we hear these words thrown around a lot, but the reality of this is heavy. Really heavy.

And unfortunately, this is where so many B2B service providers find themselves a couple of years into business. 

Drowning in client work, not charging enough and trying to do it all themselves. 

But you know – there’s actually just ONE THING that makes all of this go away?

Focussing on just one, irresistible high ticket offer. 

One that makes your clients say, ‘That’s exactly what I need!’

Your OFFER is the domino that makes everything else fall into place. 

Ready to stop undercharging, raise your rates, and close the sale with confidence? 

Tune in.

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Book a free Strategy Call:⁠ http://anneliseworn.com/consult⁠

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