The question I get asked lot …
Is business supposed to be this hard?
Well, yes and no.
Nothing worth doing is easy.
You’re dealing with people.
We’re not robots.
We live in a world where people are struggling.
We have a lot going on.
You’re also building something of nothing.
And we’re impatient.
But no.
And here’s the tough love.
You’re likely not systematising.
And if you’re not – then you’re not being consistent enough to see the compounding effect.
But if you are consistent, and you’re working hard, and you’re at a plateaux – I see you.
The truth is, we’re naturally not built for this fast paced reality.
95% of our actions are unconscious, which means we have a lot less control over our day than we think.
The good news is, we can change all that.
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