Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has listened in to the first season of the mumstyle business podcast.
As we mentioned a couple of months ago – we’re moving away from weekly sessions and moving to seasonal – BUT we’ll be found weekly over at the Impact Business podcast.
We’ve spent the last almost 18 months talking everything business and motherhood. The reason I started this podcast was to inspire and empower more women to go after their big audacious business goals.
Now we’re stepping it up a level.
We’ll be bringing you the same fabulous interviews, marketing strategies and insights – but we won’t just be interviewing mummas – and the focus will be on how to build a business that not only solves a need for your clients or customers, and gives you the time and money freedom you want for your family – but makes a difference in the broader sense – in your community, your country or the world.
In my own business, and through the businesses of my clients, I’ve seen first hand how business can be designed to do good – in and through the business.
Our marketing agency not only helps small family run businesses to grow and provide for the families and establish a legacy – but we also provide no cost marketing services for charities that work with vulnerable communities worldwide.
In my coaching business, I help other entrepreneurs to work their business around their family and achieve their own goals – but they’re also in service-based businesses and dedicated to transforming the lives of their clients as well.
Whether it’s through transforming lives, sustainable production, profit giving, or some other mechanism. In the times we’re living in, there is no reason why our businesses can’t contribute to the issues we care about.
There are so many businesses working towards making a difference in both big ways and small. On small scales, one person at a time, and large world changing capacities.
I believe all of us were put here for a purpose. Our families are just one of those. There are things that make us angry. Things we want to change. Issues we have ideas about. Causes we want to support.
What if you could support your family, achieve your lifestyle goals AND contribute in the way you want to? You can.
It comes down to thoughtful design, proven business principles and an effective marketing strategy.
We’ll be digging into all of this on the Impact Business podcast with weekly episodes starting early 2021.
So if you’re ready to think bigger, ready to grow – subscribe for email updates and we’ll send you new episodes as they’re released.