How do you feel when you hear that word?
Heart quicken in anxiety? Big smile? Furrowed eyebrows?
For most service providers I work with, they like the sound of it, but actually making it happen is intimidating. I get it – I wouldn’t never have previously considered myself ‘techy’ either.
But what I cant to release is that time is money. Actually, time is way way wayyy more important than money.
Excellence, consistency and productivity are also fabulous.
And we get all of these things, when we implement automation the right way.
So welcome to our 3 part series on Marketing Automation … made simple. No matter what tool/s you’re using. Though we know you’ll love ours 😉 Check out
In Part 1 we’re going to get into LEAD GENERATION.
In Part 2 it’s all about how we can build CONNECTION with those leads.
And Part 3 is all about SALES & ONBOARDING. My personal fav.
Each episode is jam packed with actionable tactics.
Not so that you can try and do all the things, but so you can hear some options and choose one to implement that’s going to be right for you, your clients, and your software.
So – let’s get into it!
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