In life, Mumstyle CEO, podcast, wellbeing by Team Annelise

In this episode I discuss the evolution from the Mumstyle Business Podcast as a reflection of my journey, and what to expect from here.

If you’re along for the ride, you can expect Ambition, Motherhood, Wellbeing and Impact.

Because Powerhouse Woman you were put here for a purpose.

Ambition is going after those big scary dreams, on your mind and in your heart

It doesn’t mean that you can’t be a loving, nurturing, calm, joyful mother.

You don’t need to sacrifice your wellbeing. You can take care of your body, your mind and your soul. 

And you’ll have an incredible Impact – in and through your business – just watch as those ripples affect the world.

Powerhouse woman. You get to have it all. 

Will it be easy. Not likely. 

Will it perfect. No. 

But it will be purposeful, and beautiful and yours. 


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