Structure Equals Freedom- Ep:179

In life, podcast, wellbeing by Team Annelise

We want to go fast. We want it now. We want the microwave version. 

But the microwave version is never as deliciously satisfying as the slow roasted one. Never. 

So we need longevity. We need small steps over time. And that takes structure.

And with structure comes predictability. 

And with predictability comes peace. 

And peace is freedom. 

When we implement systems. And we work them consistently. Even when we cant see the results. It looks like there’s no change., We’re not getting the dopamine hit. 

When we work them consistently – at a pace you’ve set based on wellbeing and impact – everything changes. 

All of a sudden you don’t resent your business. 

You’re living life with integrity, based on your highest values. Based on what YOU want from your life. 

So let’s get nitty gritty here and talk about how you can do this, practically.


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