Leverage Your Analytics

In business, podcast, Strategy and Tips by Annelise


Yes, we know it’s boring. 

But you know what’s not boring? Saving money. Decreasing your cost per lead. Decreasing your cost per sale. 

Definitely not boring. 

So what do you need to know?

This video we go through 3 different aspects of your data you should be looking at to help optimise your marketing results. 

3 Ways To Optimise Your Marketing Through Data

1 – Look at when your people are online and post then 

2 – See what type of images / captions get the most engagement & do more of that.

3 – Look at the Click Through Rate of your ads which gives the impression of how desirable your image is and then look at conversion rate for your landing page.

So tune in & if you’re still not sure – this is what we do in the marketing mentor program. My marketing team will get on a video call with you. We give you access to the expert you need (there’s 8 of us) and we give you the answers you need to get the results you want. 

Check it out here.

Or book a call to find out more here. 

It pains me so much to see time and money wasted on marketing, when with some simple tweaks you can get REAL RESULTS.

Let us help you.

A x